Aggressive Technology with Drone/cameras

Increasingly the technology with drones is moving faster with aggressiveness.  Monitoring the use of drones in locations that have restrictions is becoming more important for the users to keep on top to comply with rules and laws. 

Drones have made it possible for uses and capturing moments that were never able to do before.  The wide range viewership has made the usage even larger and financially beneficial to the user.  Delivering of packages are being tested for efficiency, safety and price-point affects.  The number of projections for delivery is being monitored for control purposes by the government with guidelines being adjusted accordingly.

Cameras are getting smaller with longer battery power and wider ranges.  The resolution quality is getting sharper and extending further to capture more range.  The consumer is finding that keeping up with the changes and requirements to be well worth the time consumption to avoid any issues with law enforcement.

                           Marjo Nelson/Jerry Nelson photographer