On Wednesday morning, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta celebrated its Flight of the Nations Day. The morning session was dedicated to honoring all of the countries represented by attending pilots. This year there were 20 different countries being celebrated, including: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.
While the balloons were not able to fly due to weather conditions, the visiting officials from Taiwan still celebrated. The Taipei City Government officials hosted a hospitality event for Albuquerque dignitaries and tourism officials and local homeschool children. The Albuquerque guests were greeted with gifts from Taiwan, talked about Taiwanese tourism events, including its famous lantern festival taking place in February 2023. In addition to Wednesday’s hospitality event, the Taipei City Department of Information and Tourism also teamed up with the crew of Bravo Bear.
According to Shen Yonghua, senior specialist of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei is ready for the post-pandemic travel boom. The city has planned and curated theme tours that align with the “new normal” and consumers’ liking, such as Taipei Grand Walk, Hiking in Maokong, Guandu travel, and in-depth activities featuring nature and beautiful sceneries. So tourists can experience the charm of Taipei. On top of that, the city hopes to promote itself as the top destination for foreign tourists by hosting large events such as the “2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taipei,” which will take place in February next year. Shen adds “Bravo” hot air balloon will head to Japan to attend Asia’s biggest hot air balloon festival.
The Garrity Group;/DRP-photo:7:15 pm, Oct.5,2022